

  • 7
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 温州 乐清市 柳市镇 吕岙大道277号
  • 姓名: 乐庸伙
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:电气 防爆电器
  • 发布日期:2020-07-27
  • 阅读量:288
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:2853737352
  • 产品数量:400.00 台
  • 包装说明:木箱
  • 发货地址:浙江温州乐清市柳市镇  
  • 关键词:防爆应急照明配电箱,IIC防爆照明配电箱,户外防爆照明配电箱



    a, function is introduced and use


    1, distribution box is according to the wiring requirements will switch equipment, measuring instrument, protect appliances and auxiliary equipment assembly in closed or l cabinet or bingfu semi-closed, constitute a low voltage switchgears. normal operation can be realized by manual or automatic switch or points off circuit. fault or not normal operation with protection electric circuit or cut off the police. by measuring instrument can display the operation of the various parameters, but also some electrical parameters adjustment, from normal working state to tip or **. often used for each hair, distribution, substation.


    2, distribution box uses: reasonable distribution of electric energy, convenient operation of the circuit switching. a higher level of security protection, can intuitive display circuit conduction state. easy to management, and when something circuit fault when to overhaul.


    with oil, chemicals, mining and the rapid development of industry, the use of distribution box is more and more extensive, breed more and more. in explosive gas in how to prevent dangerous area distribution box accident sex bang has become a very important topic. because the work distribution box inevitably electric rods, they once and in places with explosive air mixture meet, and will lead to an explosion accident, directly endanger national property and civil life and safety. therefore, it has caused the explosion technology people general attention and high attention.


    second, suitable for:


    1, 1 division, 2 division dangerous places.

    2、ⅱa、ⅱb iic类爆炸性气体环境。 注:要求iic类货户外使用时请注明.

    2, ⅱ a, ⅱ b iic kind of explosive gases. note: requirements of outdoor use iic goods please indicate the.


    three, product features:


    1. the shell of zl102 aluminum alloy with die casting or steel welding forming, electric static spraying the surface high pressure, with stainless steel exposed fasteners, product appearance.


    2. the design is excellent, safety is easy to use, i the free provides a years maintenance


    3. the drawings can be provided by your company, or by my company to manufacture.


    4. the complex, module structure, each loop can be according to need to free assembly, general switch box adopts flameproof structure, mother and out the kit is included as standard kit is included as standard is the structure of increasing ann.


    5. inner components according to user requirement high or molded case circuit breaker installation type circuit breaker. if dz47, c65, cm1, etc.


    6. but according to request, such as the surge protector, ammeter, voltmeter and so on, can match the padlock l handles.

    7. 适用于照明和动力线路,具有分断、过载、失压保护和短路自动切断功能,钢管或电缆布线均可.

    7. used in lighting and power lines, with points break, overload, pressure loss and short circuit protection auto-cutting function, steel pipe or cable wiring.


    8. meet gb3836-2000, iec60079 standard requirements.



    four, the points for attention: (product orders, should provide the following documents)


    1, the first system diagram.


    2, distribution box plane arrangement figure.


    3, each the equipment list (including type, specification, quantity).


    4, and normal conditions of use is not special requirements.

    欢迎来到浙江依客思电气有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省温州乐清市吕岙大道277号,联系人是乐庸伙。 主要经营浙江依客思电气有限公司位于中国电器之都——乐清市,是一家集研发、制造、贸易、服务于一体的民营科技型企业。公司主要经营厂用防爆电器——防爆检修电源插座箱,防爆照明(动力)配电箱,免维护防爆LED灯,防爆操作柱,防爆接线箱,防爆挠性连接管,防爆接线盒,防爆穿线盒,防爆防腐插接装置,防爆断路器,防爆磁力启动器,防水防尘防腐操作柱等等。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 价格战,是很多行业都有过的恶性竞争,不少厂家为了在价格战役中获胜,不惜以牺牲产品质量为代价,而我们公司坚决杜绝价格战,坚持用优质的原材料及先进的技术确保产品质量,确保消费者的合法利益。